

Classes run for four weeks, every Thursday from 5:30 to 8:30 PM, beginning on Jan 9th and ending Jan 30th.

Empowering parents to celebrate an enjoyable childbirth.

HypnoBirthing® – The Mongan Method – is the tried and true approach of relaxed, natural childbirth through pregnancy education, enhanced by self-hypnosis techniques.

When you take the class with me, you receive the added value of a professional counselor who is accustomed to helping families along with expert training in the philosophy and technique of HypnoBirthing. CONTACT ME to schedule your HypnoBirthing session today.


What is HypnoBirthing?

HypnoBirthing empowers parents to be calm and in control during birth, allowing them to welcome their babies into the world in a “Celebration of Life.” HypnoBirthing is a rewarding, relaxing, stress-free method of birthing that is based on the belief that all babies should come into the world in an atmosphere of gentility, peace and joy.

When a mother is properly prepared for birthing physically, mentally and spiritually, she can experience that sort of happiness. A mother is able to birth her baby in an easier, more comfortable, and often pain-free, manner. Through a well-thought-out program of deep relaxation, self-hypnosis and education, HypnoBirthing returns to a woman the art of birthing in a way that allows her to summon her natural birthing instincts and to birth her baby in safety and with ease.

HypnoBirthing is based on the belief that severe discomfort does not need to be a natural accompaniment of birthing.

Birth is normal and natural. For healthy women and their healthy babies, it is not a medical event, it is a life experience.

What HypnoBirthing is NOT About:

HypnoBirthing is not about science; it is not about anatomy; it is not about doctors or nurses or midwives or even childbirth educators. It’s not about getting a mother through labor. It’s about mothers, birthing companions and babies.

What HypnoBirthing IS About:

HypnoBirthing is about cultivating respect for the rights and wishes of families to bring their babies into the world in a gentle and calm way. It’s about helping women learn to call upon their natural birthing instinct. It’s about inspired parents, learning to take responsibility for their own births.

“Fear is only as deep as the mind allows.”
Japanese Proverb


Nature intended women to birth children. Our bodies are made to birth flawlessly, without hurt, pain, or suffering just like other mammals, including horses, dolphins, dogs, and gorillas. Unlike other mammals, however, our thoughts can get in the way of our bodies.

We are conditioned to believe that birth is going to be painful, terrible, and sometimes dangerous by doctors, friends, family and the media. It is this negative belief around birth that makes us afraid.

When fear is present the body’s natural response to birthing is inhibited – in a state of fear adrenaline is released and sends the message that you are in danger. The body’s natural response in this type of situation is “fight or flight” which results in the blood flowing away from the uterus as opposed to going towards the uterus. As a result, the baby doesn’t receive the oxygenated blood it needs during pregnancy, the cervix tightens (the exact opposite of dilation) causing more intense uterine surges, and the body will stall or stop laboring which cues doctor’s to intervene.

Eliminate fear and reduce pain. This is the main concept of HypnoBirthing and the class will prepare you to keep your mind and body relaxed in order to birth your baby as nature intended.

Working with or without drugs for

a responsible childbirth.

Although the intention of HypnoBirthing is not natural childbirth, 3 out of 4 women who take HypnoBirthing classes birth their babies naturally without medical intervention. For those women who utilize medical intervention, HypnoBirthing prepares them to take responsibility for their birthing experience, resulting in contentment and empowerment.

Kind Words from Clients

HypnoBirthing Classes

Join a group of other expectant parents and create an empowering birth experience for your family.

Take HypnoBirthing and learn why mama’s bodies are intended to birth without pain, how to keep your mind and body relaxed during birth, and how to advocate for an empowering birth experience.